Removable Partial Denture Frameworks
Cobalt-chrome cast removable partial dentures has grown to be one of my favourite tasks in my second year of study. I particularly enjoyed making the design neat yet functional. Because the entire fabrication process was tedious and time-consuming, I learnt to execute each stage to the best of my ability to aid in the next. Doing so led me to satisfactory results.
With removable partial denture frameworks, I learnt the importance of studying the remaining dentition and the opposing arches in order to visualise the final design of the framework and thus guide the rest of the manufacturing stages. I learnt to take my time as I kept weary of the fact that the execution of each step will influence the final outcome of the prosthesis.
Showcasing the RPI system (rest, plate and I-bar)
Showcasing the Akers clasp on the premolar and Ring clasp on the molar.